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Thursday, 21 May 2015

When He Scripts Your Life Story..

When you take hold of a pen to jot down something, you are in control. Whatever you write, is up to you. However your handwriting appears, is entirely up to how your hand will write. You are in charge.

This week has been so good for me..For sure, not in terms of what I have been through but because I've finally assimilated very clearly, the concept of letting God take charge over my life. Everything! From my family, to my finances, to my alliances and relationships, to my worries and hurt.. Everything.
My Mum and I were talking over cooking chapatis some time this week.. and I was a little in distress regarding my musical journey because it has been slightly stagnating lately (and I must admit I over-thought the situation and ended up stressed). All she told me was, "take it to Jesus". It wasn't what I wanted to hear.. but it was what I needed to hear and understand.

I don't know..
I feel it so heavily in my heart that someone really needs this message..
I'm hoping I have the right words to pass it.

God loves you my dear. He really does.
Sometimes you may wonder why you face certain situations.. It's like wondering why God made water wet.
He made water wet because He willed so.
Sometimes he allows storms to come over our lives for some time so that we may learn a thing or two.. or so that, through us, others may witness His power and honour Him.
Sometimes the devil brings along your path various obstacles. Recall, no weapon formed against you shall prosper. It shall be formed......... (can I repeat that?) It shall be formed... But it shall not prosper!

When you let God script your story.. You will not have to worry about where money to pay school fees will come from..
When you let God script your story.. You will not have to cry for days about your families woes.. About your broken family.. About your differently structured family.. About your drunkard parent........
When you let God script your story.. You will not have to struggle for approval, for opportunities.. He will open doors for you. And the doors He doesn't open will remain closed because that is not His will for you.
When you let God script your story.. You will not struggle with past pains of defilement and brutality, bullying and being downcast..
When you let God script your story.. You will not have to worry about whether you will ever be in a good relationship.. Or whether you will ever find the 'right one'.. He will script your love story as well:)

Friend, will you let Him?

I know, sometimes He doesn't take away all our troubles as we would want Him to. But we just need to trust Him. :|

When you let God script your story..

Every letter, every word, every coma.. He will have control over it. Even when the pen blots.. Hehe.. He knows what He is doing. Let him orchestrate your life story...
There is a song I love which says, "Father let your will be done. For I am just a piece of clay and you are the Potter."
Like Mary, just say, "Be it unto me, according to your word.."
Jesus acknowledged this as well.. “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but Yours be done” (Luke 22:42).

Just get on your knees and say, "Fit it Jesus"

“Cast your cares on the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken” (Psalm 55:22).

I love you friend.
And God loves you more.



  1. Wow wow wow.... when you let God.... beautful piece of literature and mind opening.... mie gonna share it wide and wide.....

    1. All glory to Jehovah!
      be blessed abundantly:)
      When He scripts your every story..you can just trust Him..and watch all the great things He has in store for you:)
