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Thursday, 21 May 2015

Stand Guard

When you put a little puppy and a great roaring lion together within a cage, which is likely to prowl over the other?
Foolish question, eh?

However, you could change the outcome of that fight.All you would need to do is stop feeding the lion and start feeding the puppy. If you were patient and continually fed that puppy week after week, he would become strong and healthy and the lion on the other hand, would become too weak to even lift his paw.

When you become a Christian, your inner nature is like that little puppy. It must be fed, taught and trained. Your outer, fleshly nature, like the lion, must be starved until it has no strength.

People who do not live in the abundance of God continually feed the lion. Very little of their time is spent in Bible Study, prayer and the likes. They will sit in front of the computer or the television, feeding their carnal (fleshly) nature by the hour. The old lion roars, louder and stronger, and they wonder why they do not achieve victory.

Two scriptural references:
Romans 8:5 tells us that people who live in accordance to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires and people who live in accordance to the spirit have their minds set on what the spirit desires.It continues to say that the mind of sinful man is death but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace.
John 6:63 "It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are Spirit, and they are life."

Dear, choose life:)

The devil is looking for someone to devour. And that's why he will use your frustration against you and take you back to your past bad habits in the name of consolation. He will lock you in doctrinal chains and hide the great truths about God from you.

STAND GUARD at the door of your heart dear one.. at the door of your mind.. at the door of your spirit. Read good books, read good blogs, watch good movies, listen to good music, surround yourself with people who have chosen life, study your Bible, pray........ In all this, the Lord shall guide you.If you ask him for wisdom, He will give you immeasurably and without finding fault. (James 1:5).You choose what shall come in.
Choose life:)
Choose peace:)



  1. Deep! I feel charged to keep my spirit flamed. Thanks Laura!

  2. Hi Laura!!,
    You got the analogy on the lion and the puppy spot on! Indeed, the best way to grow your faith, is not only to feed it, but by also starving worldly want. Blessed!!!

    1. Eric!:)
      Asante for the support..All glory to God!
