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Thursday, 24 March 2016

Happy Easter!

It's Easter Season! How great!!

I hope you're well and you're welcome here as always. Feel at home:)

Some time this semester I was walking to an ICT Practical lesson at the Computer Centre in Kenyatta University, then this song came to my heart...back in my primary school, we used to sing hymns (hymns are wonderful and deep!) using The Golden Bells (incase you're familiar with it), during school assemblies just to spice things up and add a musical touch. Good foundation, if you ask me. This happens to be one of the hymns we used to sing and all of a sudden it fell heavily in my heart:

'I belong to Jesus
'Twas a happy day
When His blood most precious
Washed my sins away
When His Holy Spirit
Changed my heart of stone
Set His mark upon me
Sealed me for His own

I belong to Jesus
So I'll try to spend
All my life in pleasing
My Almighty Friend
Since He is so Holy
I must watch and pray
That I may grow like Him
More and more each day'

Beautiful, yeah? :)
I'm certain there's one more verse or two, but that's actually all I can recall at heart and that's basically what I'd like to highlight today.

This is what I'm saying to myself this beautiful Easter Season, and I hope you will too..

I'm a Child of God. I belong to Jesus. I am His and He is Mine. And the price He paid on the rugged cross, that fateful day, is everything I need and more. His blood cleansed me anew. And the most beautiful thing is that that cleansing action is continuous, consistent, abundant, sufficient..because of the grace and mercy our Father grants us freshly every morning. Because of Jesus' selfless act, I am set apart as a beneficiary of grace and a hopeful human! A beautiful mark. I wanna be like Him and I want to work towards it. Amazingly enough, God provides all the guidance and grace that I need to do so.My Jesus is too sweet! My beloved friend... I have found ALL I NEED and more...

'At the cross at the cross
Where I first saw the light
And the burden of my heart rolled away
It was there by faith
I received my sight
And now I am happy all the day!'

Jesus Loves You more than you can ever imagine.

Happy Easter Beloved!:)


Karwirwa Laura #GodGurl

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

At The Feet Of Jesus.

Lately, I've been thinking about this story. A story of extremes, if you ask me.. Whereby, The One who
stilled the waves (Mark 4:39) meets a man who is the very opposite of stillness, a man who “night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones.” (Mark 5:5). Mind you, this is no parable. It's a true, real story.

The first time I read about the Gerasene Demoniac I utterly empathized with this guy. Wait, no, I lied. Haha.. I didn't have deep enough understanding then, so honestly, I was more of scared. Thank God for growth, revelations come in deeper ways nowadays (spiritual growth is good! Something to desire. I pray for more of it upon your life:))
Glory to the Lord:) I digress.
......... I read this story for the umpteenth time before I could gain good understanding and when I did, I utterly empathized with this guy. This man was too taken over by this demons that he could barely be likened to a human being. He was way too abnormal. On a slightly lighter note, I visualize him to be the then version of "The Incredible Hulk".. coz maahn! the things he did!!!
He wore no clothes.. Lived in tombs instead of houses..he'd break the chains and shackles, and run off to the wild..!!way too much delirium!!

And then.........
One PERFECTLY FINE afternoon, the PRINCE OF PEACE sets foot on the land of Gerasa. And something amazing happens..
At the name that EVERY knee bows, the demon-possesed man falls at the feet of Jesus. Remember, he's too taken over by the demons, that it is no longer he but the demons in him that act, and speak and generally do everything!... The demons bow down at the feet of Jesus, trembling in fear.. And with their tongues, they confess (Luke 8:28) When he saw Jesus, he fell down
before him and shouted at the top of his voice,
“What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the
Most High God? I beg you, do not torment me for Jesus had commanded the unclean spirit
to come out of the man.
What power!

If you go on, reading this excerpt and actually conceptualize every moment..craft it all in your head like a movie..you will see just how crazy the whole scenario was.
From the craziest guy in Gerasa screaming all over the place, then he runs towards some stranger who has just stepped into the land..who exorcises the demons into pigs, which run and drown themselves into the sea (so weird!), to people getting so shocked and reacting in all manner of ways......so much going on... so much going on..!

Amidst all this craze.. there is one perfectly PEACEFUL place.
at the feet of Jesus.. Where the man from whom the demons had gone, was sitted, clothed! and in his right mind!
~Luke 8:35

At the feet of Jesus my dear..!
That is where we need to dwell.
There is profound peace, you will not want to let go.
Ask Mary, Martha's sister, she knows..
She found a place of stillness, where she could cast all her cares, focus on the right things and feed her soul.
At the feet of Jesus, there is fellowship with the giver of all good things. At the feet of Jesus, there is nourishment.
Where do you find yourself tonight?

Love love! 💕

Karwirwa Laura #GodGurl

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Be Still.

Karibu sana hapa! :)

I'm doing a very exciting Bible Study Plan on YouVersion Bible Application titled "The Bible In A Year". And currently, I'm studying the Book of Exodus. It's a good one, you should try it! ;)

I was studying Exodus 14, and I found a very frustrated and fed up group of Israelites.From being enslaved, to going through the hustles of breaking free, and then just when they thought it was all over, they see a crowd of Egyptians, marching towards them, following after them as though they hadn't put them through enough. Ofcourse Moses will be to blame! I mean, he should have just left them to die in Egypt, eh?!
Now, hear what Moses says in response to their cries..
"Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid.
Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the
LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see
today you will never see again.The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
Exodus 14:13,14

I don’t know about you, but it is quite hard for me to be still. It's almost subconscious. I'm an overthinker, a perfectionist too. When I am
struggling with fear and feeling out of control I want to do something. I want to take matters in my own hands and do whatever it takes to “make it right”.In doing so, I sometimes find  refuge in all  the wrong places. I trust in myself or others rather than resting in God. And then I feel okay for some short while, then within no time, I'm back where I left off.

Here is what God says to you and I:
Learn to be quiet. Hush the multitude of voices in your life. The worldly turbulence and frenzy can be too noisy to allow a good enough form of stillness in your life. And so from time to time, you need to just get away.. and not just get away, but get away and bond with Jesus:)

When we are free from outside turbulence we are better able to hear the still, small voice of God’s
Spirit. He speaks to us, but sometimes we aren’t quiet enough to hear Him.One other voice that needs to be quieted is the voice of our flesh, the one which speaks in the language of worries, doubts and fears. By taking those thoughts captive and resting in God’s Word, peace replaces the
turbulence. That doesn’t mean the storm has passed, it means the storm is no longer within you. The storms may still rage, but you will be free
from their effects.

Learn Him. Only until you do this, will you appreciate His place in your life.
The way to get to know God better is to consistently be in His word, learning who He is, what your relationship with Him is and how He
operates. There is no better way to get to know someone than by spending time with them.
Bond with Jesus:)

Psalms 46:10 ~ Be Still and know that I am God.

Jesus embraced the aspect of stillness, and we see that in how he calmed the storm. "Peace, be still"

The next time you have fearful and anxious
thoughts that are raging within you like a violent
storm, do as Jesus did. Silence those thoughts by
saying, “Peace, be still.” When you need strength
and help, let go and rest in God, your refuge. “Be
still and know that I am God.”

The Lord will prepare an army to go in battle for you. He will make a way where there seems to be no way (even a pathway through the sea! Haha). He will bring about hindrances and confusion upon your enemy just as he jammed the wheels of the chariots of the Egyptian such that they had trouble moving.(Ex 14:25).He'll sort you out.
And then, you will see, that He is the Mighty King. Greater than them all.

Chill out and love on Him.
He loves peace.. He is the Prince of Peace.
He'll still your heart:)





Karwirwa Laura #GodGurl

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Beyond Good Intentions.

Confession: I can't count the number of times I  have heeded dutifully to my Quiet Time, sat in
my favorite corner on my bed with my journal and
my Bible…and then spent the time I had set aside for the Lord in allowing my mind to wander, hopping from passage to passage, getting up and doing another task, checking my phone, and basically being wildly distracted. I sat down esteeming a diligent spiritual life. I even had all the right resources, but not the ability to carry it out, basically because it's one thing to intend and another to actually do.
It's all too easy to start out with good intentions only to later falter and lose the initial excitement.

Having the right tools and the right desire, does not equate to actions.
I'm embarrassed by the number of times I've said either in words or thoughts, "I will pray about that matter," and done literally nothing about it.
I want to put real actions behind my good intentions; to put works behind my faith; to turn my enthusiasm into something more than mere words.
For example, I deeply esteem the discipline of prayer, but if I don't actually pray, my esteem is worthless.

Thankfully, there is an ever-present help for this shortfall of mine: Jesus Christ can turn the wanting in my Spirit into action-pumped enthusiasm within no time.
I recognize that I'm just but flesh and beating myself up (because I can be really good at this) won't help me one bit.
The moment I just utter a sincere, "Lord, I need your help on this. I can't seem to have my mind on doing your work but my heart is genuinely firmly found. I desire to do this, please go before me and guide me," I have faith He will come through.

But again it's not enough to revere myself and go before Him to seek an extra "push" only to keep my distractors around and not set apart good time for God. Throughout my life, I have come to find that God is really faithful in playing His part hence I need to play mine to, lest I get nowhere.
I've also learnt to ignore the bait of the enemy to
make an excuse because “sin lies at the door and its desire is for you, but you should rule over it” (Gen.4:7).

This post is all in first-person narrative form and you probably feel like the "I's" should be "You's" because like me, you might probably be finding it hard to put diligent obedience in carrying out your Kingdom Assignment or Quiet Time. Or probably you begin so strongly only for the enthusiasm to fizzle out within no time. Don't give in to the struggle. The secret is not in trusting in your willpower but in the one who gives all strength, Jesus Christ.

Love love! 💕


Karwirwa Laura #GodGurl

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Hello 2016! Let's Step In With Confidence.

Helloooo! :)
Happy New Year 😀

And welcome to this place..
This beautiful warm place, where I submit my #KingdomAssignment..
Always feel free, always open your mind and your heart to hear from the King..
Feel free, come in with your shoes on.. Haha.. Put your feet up on the stool.. Sip some coffee..
Let's share..
Let's go all out..
All for the glory of God:)

➡Reminder : I put up a post every second and last Wednesday of every month! 😃

I've been pondering on what exactly to share, over the past week.. And everyday, I get a new revelation. But there's this one thing that has been ringing on my mind repeatedly, and that's a verse from Isaiah 59:19:
It says, "So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west and His glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him."
I've been meditating on this Chapter, and the 27th Psalm of David..

I know there must be a reason why God won't let me get past this Word.. And the more I have opened my heart to Him, the more He has caused me to  understand what He has for me to learn.
Throughout the past year, I recall more than many times when I allowed myself to be downtrodden because my CONFIDENCE was drained. Forget about the fact that I have struggled with self-esteem issues from time to time in the past, this is far from it. All along, I didn't really know that I had another major problem, I lacked confidence in my God.

I focused too much on what the devil was doing, or trying to do and I forgot about what God can do.
I lost friends after a sudden bloom in my life, others began to treat me rather too harshly, and I cried fowl, I tried to cling, I tried to reach out almost desperately, keeping my head away from what God was doing on the other side because really, I have gained a ton more! :) Glory to Jesus..
Quick one: When you give your life to Jesus, you declare WAR! The devil is not going to leave you at it, just like that..

Aaalll along, I kept hearing a still small voice, a weight in my heart - "Laura, I have confidence in you my princess. HAVE CONFIDENCE IN ME. I Love You. I'm your King."
(Confidence : the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust.)

We need to be cognizant of the fact that the devil too has power..and when He rises like a flood, our King, our Mighty Father, raises a standard against His power. Because He is MORE powerful! Because He is STRONGER! He is UNDEFEATED!
Enough reason for me to have confidence in Him..

Beloved, Our God is a mover of mountains.. His unfailing love is enough for us. Could we work on fixing our eyes on Him alone beginning this year?
Give the enemy zero percent of your attention.
Trust in the one who will keep your foot from being caught! (Proverbs 3:26)

We can be confident in the Lord to be who He is. He can be trusted.He does not lie. He does not fail. There is no situation that our lives face that takes Him by surprise.We can build our lives upon the rock of His word and we can stand upon that rock in strength and safety regardless of the storms that come our way.

May Psalms 27 be your song today! 😃

The Lord is my light and my salvation - so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble? When evil people come to devour me, when my enemies and foes attack me, they will stumble and fall. Though a mighty army surrounds me,
my heart will not be afraid. Even if I am attacked, I will remain confident.
The one thing I ask of the Lord - the thing I seek most - is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in his Temple. For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock. Then I will hold my head high above my enemies who surround me. At his sanctuary I
will offer sacrifices with shouts of joy, singing and
praising the Lord with music.
Hear me as I pray, O Lord. Be merciful and answer me! My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.” And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.” Do not turn your back on me. Do not reject your servant in anger.
You have always been my helper. Don’t leave me now; don’t abandon me, O God of my salvation! Even if my father and mother abandon me, the Lord will hold me close.
Teach me how to live, O Lord. Lead me along the right path, for my enemies are waiting for me. Do not let me fall into their hands. For they accuse me of things I've never done; with every breath they threaten me with violence. Yet I am confident I will see the Lord's goodness while I am here in the land of the living.
Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous.
Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.

Love love! 💕


Karwirwa Laura #GodGurl